Monday, September 22, 2014

Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian

Pendulum - Black Obsidian Pendulums
Black Obsidian is an opaque volcanic glass, whereas the translucent variety is called Apache Tears. Black Obsidian is sometimes known as the “wizard stone”, because it has been used in magical practices since the ancient times. It is a protective stone, often worn to guard against negativity, demanding people, hostile entities and geopathic stress.  It eases tension, especially in the home and can protect against electromagnetic fields. 
Use Black Obsidian during meditation to find a creative way through problems. It is helpful in developing intuition and grounding you to the earth, releasing negative energies that result in restlessness, irritability and nervousness.  Place a piece of Black Obsidian near a nervous pets’ bed to help it feel less frightened and skittish. Black Obsidian is very helpful after trauma, especially sexual assault or domestic violence.   
Mix - Tumbled Black Mix - 3 Piece Set w/PouchObsidian protects the wearer from hostility, negativity, psychic ‘vampires’ and spiritual entities that do not belong.  It offers release from tension and enables one to move forward in his/her life, with a more promising outlook.
Physically, Obsidian often points to the root cause of an illness. It clears the blockages that cause disease.  Use Obsidian for detoxifying, alleviating bleeding, increasing blood circulation, and helping with the pain associated with arthritis and other joint discomfort.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for
Properties for Stone:Black Obsidian
Primary Chakra:Root-Chakra
Crystal System:Amorphous-Crystal-System
Chemical Composition:SiO2 Silicon Dioxide with impurities
Astrological Sign:SagittariusScorpio
Numerical Vibration:Number-1
Pronunciation:blak uhb-SID-ee-uhn / ob-SID-ee-uhn
Mineral Class:Mineraloids
Issues and Ailments (Physical):ArthritisBlockageCirculationDetoxJointsKneesPainPhysical-Protection
Issues and Ailments (Emotional):Emotional-BlockagesGroundingTension
Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):Attract-Positive-VibrationsPsychic-Attack

Apache Tears - Volcanic Black ObsidianTumbled Black Obsidian - Tumbled Stones

Do you have more questions than answers? Or are you seeking spiritual advice? The best way to get answers is to contact Naples Mindfulness & Metaphysical Center, New Age Spiritual Awareness Counselors.

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