Sunday, September 21, 2014



Amethyst is a very powerful and protective crystal, and is a first choice of many metaphysicians. Amethyst was used in ancient times to recover from both physical addictions as well as addictive relationships, and became known as the “Stone of Sobriety”. A natural stress reliever, Amethyst can encourage inner strength.

Merkaba - Amethyst Merkaba StarThe strong healing energy of Amethyst can transmute lower vibrations to higher frequencies, transforming negative energy to love energy.

Amethyst connects the physical plane with higher realm, making it a good choice when working with the Third Eye Chakra. Amethyst also provides a wonderful peaceful energy for meditations, and helps with developing intuition and psychic abilities.

Pendulum - Amethyst 6-Facet PendulumsAmethyst opens and activates the Crown Chakra as well, allowing easier access to the divine. Amethyst enhances spiritual awareness and spiritual wisdom, promoting a higher state of consciousness. Amethyst clears and repairs holes in the aura and draws in Divine energy, as well as aligning and fostering cooperation between the energy bodies.
Physically, Amethyst can help to alleviate headaches and migraines. It dispels nightmares and helps with insomnia. Amethyst can also reduce eyestrain, especially when working at a computer.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for
Properties for Stone:Amethyst
Primary Chakra:Third-Eye-Chakra
Secondary Chakra:Crown-Chakra
Crystal System:Trigonal-Crystal-System
Chemical Composition:SiO2 Silicon Dioxide
Astrological Sign:AquariusCapricornPiscesVirgo
Numerical Vibration:Number-3
Mineral Class:SilicatesTectosilicates
Issues and Ailments (Physical):AcneAddictionAlcoholismBloodBrainBruisesBurnsCancerDigestionDreamsDyingEarsEczema,EmphysemaEndocrine-SystemHeadacheHeadachesHealingHealing-after-SurgeryHearing-Disorders,HerpesHormone-ProductionImmune-SysteminjuriesInsomniaItchingLungsMemoryMetabolismMigraine,Night-TerrorsNightmaresOverindulgencePainParasitesPhysically-OveractivePituitary-GlandPsoriasis,Respiratory-TractSkinSkin-IrritationSleepSmokingSwellingTumorsVirusesWeaknessWell-Being,Wrinkles
Issues and Ailments (Emotional):AngerAnxietyBalanceCopingDecision-MakingDispel-NegativityEmotional-PainFearFocusGriefLoss,LoveMotivationNightmaresPeacefulnessPineal-glandRageReducing-StressSelflessnessSerenity
Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):Astral-TravelAwarenessConsciousnessCrown-ChakraDream-RecallDreamsHarmonyHigher-SelfInner-ChildIntuitionLoveMeditative-StateMediumshipProtectionPsychic-AbilitiesPsychic-AbilityRaising-VibrationTelekenesisVisualizationWisdom

Amethyst - Amethyst Polished Druze w/Cut Base (Uruguay)DT Pencil - Amethyst 6-Sided DT PencilPencil - Amethyst 6-Sided PencilAngels - Amethyst AngelCabochons - Amethyst Cabochon Cabochons - Amethyst Cacoxenite Cabochon Cube - Amethyst Cubes (Brazil)Egg - Amethyst EggsHearts - Amethyst HeartHearts - Amethyst Chevron HeartHearts - Banded AmethystHearts - Amethyst (Light Lavender) HeartHearts - Amethyst Heart Hearts - Amethyst (Light Lavender) HeartMerkaba - Amethyst Merkaba StarMini-Towers - Amethyst Mini-TowerObelisk - Amethyst Obelisks (Brazil)Pendulum - Amethyst 6-Facet PendulumsPendulum - Banded Amethyst 6-Facet PendulumsPendulum - Amethyst 6-Facet Pendulums Pendulum - Amethyst Wrapped Merkaba PendulumsPentagon Star - Amethyst 5-Sided Stars (Brazil)Icosahedron Platonic Solid - AmethystTetrahedron Platonic Solid - AmethystPyramid - Amethyst PyramidsStar of David - Amethyst Star of DavidHerkimer Crystal Mini-Skulls - Amethyst Mini-SkullSphere - Amethyst Spheres Sphere - Amethyst in Matrix Spheres (China)Tower - Amethyst Towers Wand - Amethyst 6-Sided Massage Wands Wand - Amethyst Massage Wands Wand - Amethyst Massage Wands in Matrix (China)Wand - Amethyst Rounded Massage Wands (Madagascar)Wand - Banded Amethyst 6-Sided Massage Wands (China)Worry Stones - Amethyst Worry StoneCrystal Bracelets - Amethyst Round Bead Bracelet Crystal Bracelets - Amethyst Crystal Bracelets - Amethyst Cluster BraceletCrystal Bracelets - Amethyst Single Strand BraceletCrystal Bracelets - Green Amethyst Single Strand BraceletCrystal Bracelets - 7 Chakra Crystal Bracelets - 7 Chakra Beads - Amethyst Beads (Dark)Beads - 7 Chakra 3mm Round Beads #2Beads - 7 Chakra 3mm Round Beads Assortment #3Beads - Chakra Chips Assortment #2Crystal Necklaces - Amethyst Tumbled Chips NecklaceCrystal Necklaces - Green Amethyst Tumbled Chips NecklaceCrystal Necklaces - Green Amethyst Faceted Bead NecklaceCrystal Necklaces - 7 Chakra Oval Bead NecklaceCrystal Necklaces - Amethyst Round Bead NecklaceCrystal Necklaces - Amethyst Tumbled Nugget NecklaceCrystal Pendants - Amethyst Wire-Wrapped Angel PendantCrystal Pendants - Amethyst Coin PendantCrystal Pendants - Amethyst Cone Pendant (Wrapped)Crystal Pendants - Amethyst 6-Sided DT Pencil PendantCrystal Pendants - Amethyst 6-Sided DT Pendant Crystal Pendants - Amethyst 6-Sided ST Pencil PendantCrystal Pendants - Amethyst Crystal Pendants - Amethyst Oval Cabochon PendantCrystal Pendants - Amethyst Cabochon Pendant (Wrapped)Chakra Pendant (7) Crown Chakra - AmethystCrystal Pendants - Fluorite 6-Sided DT Pendant w/AmethystCrystal Pendants - Amethyst Merkaba Pendant (Wrapped)Crystal Pendants - Amethyst Star of David PendantCrystal Pendants - Tumbled Amethyst Pendant (Wrapped)Crystal Pendants - Amethyst Faceted Triangle PendantAmethyst - Amethyst Points w/Cut BaseAmethyst - Amethyst Druze Clusters Amethyst - Amethyst Cacoxenite ChunksAmethyst - Amethyst Druze W/Cut Base (Dark) Amethyst - Amethyst Points Amethyst - Amethyst Points (Light Purple)Amethyst - Amethyst Points (Light Purple)Specimen - Amethyst SpecimensAmethyst - Amethyst Vera Cruz Jewelry PointsBottles - Amethyst Crystals in a BottlePrasiolite Crystal Chips (Green Amethyst)Prasiolite Prasiolite Crystal Points (Green Amethyst)Tumbled Amethyst (Bolivia) - Tumbled StonesTumbled Amethyst ChipsTumbled Amethyst - Banded AmethystGallet - Banded Amethyst Gallets (Madagascar)Tumbled Amethyst (Violet) - Tumbled StonesTumbled Banded Prasiolite - Tumbled StonesKeychains - Tumbled Amethyst KeychainKeychains - Amethyst Point KeychainVitaJuwel - Beauty Crystal InfuserVitaJuwel - Five Elements Crystal InfuserVitaJuwel - Wellness Crystal InfuserVitaJuwel - Phiolino (Portable) Crystal InfuserVitaJuwel - Vino (Wine) Crystal Infuser
10pc. Chakra Egg Assortment10pc. Chakra Worry Stone AssortmentWholesale Flat - Heart Assortment in 10pc. Bags (240pcs.)7 Chakra Heart Set - Hearts (7pcs.)Wholesale Flat - Mini Heart Assortment in 10pc. Bags (240pcs.)10pc. Chakra Heart Assortment10pc. Chakra 7pc. Chakra 10pc. Chakra Merkaba Pendants (Wrapped)10pc. Chakra Merkaba Assortment10pc. Chakra Mini Tower Assortment10pc. Chakra Crystals in a Bottle Assortment10pc. Chakra Natural Chips/Chunks AssortmentSacred Geometry - Amethyst Platonic Solids (5pcs.)Sacred Geometry - Amethyst Platonic Solids (7pcs.)ASST#1 - 10 different Tumbled Stones - 25pc. bagsASST#1 - 8 Different Tumbled Stones - 1lb.ASST#2 - 9 different Tumbled Stones - 25pc. bagsASST#2 - 10 Different Tumbled Stones - 1Lb. BagsASST#3 - 9 Different Tumbled Stones - 25pc. Bags

Do you have more questions than answers? Or are you seeking spiritual advice? The best way to get answers is to contact Naples Mindfulness & Metaphysical Center, New Age Spiritual Awareness Counselors.

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