

Cabochons - Aragonite Cabochon Aragonite is a wonderful Earth healer, and encourages conservation of Earth’s precious resources. Use Aragonite when working with the Root and Earth Star Chakras, and for grounding and connecting to the Earth. Aragonite can also be used for clearing blockages of energy in ley lines and for healing geopathic stress. Aragonite acts as a stabilizing stone, and can be helpful for those who have focused solely on spiritual pursuits to the exclusion of other necessary tasks. Aragonite assists those who need to release issues from the past as well as attachments in the present.
Cube - Aragonite Cubes
Aragonite promotes focus and concentration, and can be helpful for students. Meditating with Aragonite can help to ground spiritual growth into the lower chakras, raising the overall vibration of the body. Many crystal lovers enjoy Aragonite's centering energies, and work with it to help bring peace and serenity to volatile situations.

Aragonite calms, centers, stabilizes and increases the ability to remain patient, even in the most challenging of circumstances. It will enhance and encourage sensitivity and generosity. Aragonite can be an aid for those who lack discipline and self-control, and can help one to overcome stagnation in their personal growth. 

Physically, Aragonite's ability to raise vibrational energies of the body can assist with all types of healing. Aragonite can help to speed up the recovery from broken bones and nerve damage. Its highly grounding energies allow Aragonite to help relieve stress and nerve problems that may lead to restlessness, twitching or spasms.
Hearts - Aragonite Heart

Sleep with Aragonite under the pillow to relieve insomnia, or carry in your pocket for continuous grounding influence throughout the day. Aragonite can also be used to enhance the absorption of calcium throughout the skeletal structure and to ameliorate pain and chills.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for
Properties for Stone:Aragonite
Primary Chakra:Root-Chakra
Secondary Chakra:Crown-ChakraSacral-Chakra
Crystal System:Orthorhombic-Crystal-System
Chemical Composition:CaCO3 Calcium Carbonate
Astrological Sign:Capricorn
Numerical Vibration:Number-9
Pronunciation:uh-RAG-uh-nite / AIR-ah-gun-ite
Mineral Class:Carbonates
Issues and Ailments (Physical):AchesImmune-SystemJointsNervous-SystemPainsWarming
Issues and Ailments (Emotional):Critical-AttitudeCriticismDepressionDiffusingPeacefulnessTranquility
Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):ConsciousnessHealing-the-EarthHigher-SelfKundalini-EnergyRaising-Vibratory-RateWhite-Light

Tumbled Aragonite - Tumbled Stones
Aragonite - Aragonite Clusters (Morocco)

Do you have more questions than answers? Or are you seeking spiritual advice? The best way to get answers is to contact Naples Mindfulness & Metaphysical Center, New Age Spiritual Awareness Counselors.

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